The Cognitive Science department follows CEU's commitment to Open Access (OA) publishing. In addition, the department follows best practices in the field for open science, including preregistration (using OSF, AsPredicted, or other repositories), and posting study materials and anonymized data on public repositories such as OSF and GitHub. Some of these repositories can be found on each lab group's publications page.
Individual faculty members have also contributed to open science by contributing to the development of research tools that are designed for rigorous and replicable research, including:
PyHab - the first open-source software for infant looking-time and habituation studies (Jonathan Kominsky).
The NetStation EEG interface for PsychToolbox3 in MatLab (contributions by Gergely Csibra).
The Open Source Subject Database project for creating easy-to-use recruitment databases for developmental research (contributions by Jonathan Kominsky).