This interdisciplinary course will address the human ability to find creative solutions to new problems, a capacity that has allowed us to overcome obstacles in problem solving that are insurmountable to other species. Creative problem solving is therefore viewed as a crucial cognitive component in enabling the rapid progression of human culture. The course will comprise lectures and discussions in the mornings.
Kama Muta: The Tears-of-Joy, Goosebumps, Heart-Warming Emotion of Holding Your Newborn Baby, Feeling Divine Love, Patriotic Devotion, Social Support, and Pixar Movies
Towards a mechanistic account of the psychology of groups: Basic theoretical models and empirical tests of the psychology underlying racial categorization.
The project will investigate the factors that determine people's attitudes toward social rules or norms that are aimed at improving social welfare. Dishonesty can be characterized as failing to respect these rules, and adhering to them can be necessary for stable cooperation and resolving collective action problems. However, against this first operational characterization, ethnographic and experimental data suggest that depending on the context, people may break a rule and still think of themselves as honest.
We are pleased to announce that the ERC review panels have favorably reviewed Dr John Michael's proposal entitled: " An Integrative Framework for Modeling the Sense of Commitment". The ERC Starting Independent Research Grant from the European Research Council: Seventh Framework Ideas Programme (FP7) provides 1,4 million euros and will help John to continue his research on the highest possible level, and to achieve ground-breaking results. The project is expected to start in July 2016.