Departmental Colloquium: Brigitte Roeder (University Hamburg) - Multisensory integration and crossmodal recalibration
Multisensory integration and crossmodal recalibration
If a sound is accompanied by a spatially discrepant visual stimulus, the sound is typically localized towards the latter. This effect is known as the ventriloquist illusion which is considered as indicating multisensory integration. A repeated presentation of spatially discrepant audio-visual stimuli has been shown to result in a change of unisensory auditory localization; this effect is known as the ventriloquist after effect which is considered as reflecting crossmodal recalibration or more general multisensory learning.
In this talk, I will discuss how these two multisensory effects can be used to investigate the principles, neural correlates and development of multisensory integration and learning.