Infants Produce Optimally Informative Points to Satisfy the Epistemic Needs of Their Communicative Partner - new report co-authored by György Gergely and Tibor Tauzin published in Open Mind.
Infants younger than 11 months are able to recognize exchanges of speech-like communication between two entities and attribute agency to those entities, according to new research by two members of CEU’s Department of Cognitive Science.
The study found that 3-year-old children can retrospectively infer the content of someone’s beliefs by combining present information with relevant events retrieved from episodic memory. This finding shows that emerging capacities for episodic memory contribute to the development of social cognitive processes, enriching children’s ability to monitor others’ mental states.
Congratulations to Professor Gergely Csibra of the CEU Department of Cognitive Science on being elected as a Fellow of The British Academy in recognition of his work studying the cognitive capacities of infants.
The Cognitive Development Center at CEU is pleased to announce the 9th annual BCCCD meeting in Budapest, Hungary (BCCCD-19, January 3-5, 2019). We welcome symposium and poster submissions from all areas related to cognitive development. Previous BCCCD meetings featured a variety of topics such as comparative cognition, cognitive bases of culture, biological bases of cognition, conceptual learning, perceptual learning, early social cognition, language acquisition, executive functions, metacognition, communication, numeracy, and object cognition.